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Hello, nice to meet you!
I’m Grace and I love the idea of translating ideas and solution into visual experiences. Looking for a product designer to join your team? Have a brand you want to spruce up? Get in touch!

1/ my experience

My last internship at CrowdParty↗ was where I first truly dove into product design. I conducted user testing, QA tests, designed new games and interactions for the platform and got to work with talented engineers in the tech industry. I also worked as a freelance designer for the past couple of years where I got to hone my craft of creative processes and communicating design choices to stakeholders. 


2/ my education and background

For my undergraduate I attended the University of Waterloo, studying Global Business and Digital Arts↗. During my undergrad, I was part of a number of projects in various backgrounds like fintech, e-commerce and 5G technologies↗.

I also took a semester abroad at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Here, I attended the School of Arts, Design and Media↗ with my course focus on Product Design. 


3/ when I'm not designing

You'll find me on a different adventure every week for sure. From hiking, camping, trying pottery or painting, I love being out and about and getting my hands dirty.

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